Cookin' Food

Stacey here… this Family Cook Book was originally collected and printed several years ago. I gave the collection as Christmas gifts. The ever increasing family and friends asking for copies, as well as, more and more new recipes being shared, has sent me fleeing to the web as a family resource. My family tree and all of our connecting branches, have a long love of food and recipes. If you have stumbled upon us by accident, you are welcome to use a recipe. Our recipes have been collected over many years from many different sources - I strive to give credit where credit is due.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Buffalo Chicken Wings - Ode to the Honey Bucket

Buffalo Wings are NOT composed of any known part of a buffalo… and were actually created in Buffalo, New York.  I obtained a portion of this recipe from a bartender at the HoneyBucket in Long Beach, which was a fine established dive, popular for their secret wing recipe.  (I once waited for 45 minutes for an order.)

       12 or more     Chicken Wings, thawed

                             Vegetable Oil for frying

              ½ cup     Blue Cheese Dressing

               6 to 8     Celery Sticks, trimmed and cleaned

Heat oil in deep-sided skillet or deep fryer to 375°.  Place as many wings in the hot oil as will fit comfortably without causing the oil to overflow.  (Warning: when the moisture from the chicken first hits the hot oil it may froth up and over the sides if the pan is too full.)  Cook the wings until they reach the desired crispness.  You may have to cook wings in more than one batch.  If you are trying to cut calories, bake the wings (turning frequently) on a cookie sheet coated with a non-stick spray at 375°.


Meanwhile in a small sauce pan over medium heat, combine the following ingredients:

               1 stick     Butter

              ½ cup     Tabasco Sauce

                  1 Tb     Garlic Salt

                                       1 tsp     Paprika

                                       1 tsp     Cayenne Pepper (more if you like it hot, less if you don’t)

                                     ½ tsp     White Pepper

Stir ingredients till well mixed, then transfer to a larger container with a lid.  As the crisp chicken wings are removed from the oil, place them into the container.  Seal the lid and toss contents to coat the wings with the Tabasco mixture.  Place coated wings on a serving platter, and toss the next batch of wings in the remaining mixture.

Serve the wings with the traditional Blue Cheese Dressing for dipping (or Ranch Dressing for those less daring) and crunchy celery sticks to help cool the heat in the mouth


  1. I used to eat wings and drink beer at the Honey Bucket back in the 1980's-90's. The man who brought the wings to "Da Bucket" was George LoTempio from Buffalo, NY.

    1. I used to play shuffleboard with George in the afternoons sometimes, when things were slow. What a great bar!

  2. I was in the navy in the 80's stationed on terminal island we used to take up a collection and send someone to get as many wings he could buy and hurry back. ..good times long beach was alot of fun.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Honey Bucket wings were the best. Was stationed at Naval Station Long Beach on the USS New Jersey in the mid to late 80's ('85-89)and the Honey Bucket was a favorite for beer, wings, and atmosphere. The recipe was a protected secret whenever we would ask what the powdered mix was.

  5. I was in Signa Pi Fraternity accross the street. We used to always get those wings.

    1. Who is this? What class?

    2. I lived in Cleveland ohio... visit a friend from long Beach. Honey bucket kicked ass. Got recipe years ago and use till this day. Miss the place

    3. I miss this place intensely.
      I always ordered mine 3 Mile Island.
      The beer would dribble down my chin cause my face was numb from the cayenne. Sure would like you to share that recipe of yours.
      Mark at

  6. Yes, these are the real wings!

  7. I lived within walking distance and frequented the Bucket too many times! I’m sorry to say, though, this recipe isn’t even close.
